(Last updated: January 2021)
(Last updated: January 2021)
1. Yaron Ben-Naeh, The Jewish Society in the Urban Centers of the Ottoman Empire in the 17th Century (Istanbul, Salonica and Izmir), PhD dissertation, written under the guidance of Prof. Joseph R. Hacker, Jerusalem 1999. (Hebrew. 429 pp.+xvii p. For a revised edition with additional chapter see no. 2. Translations of the book: nos. 3, 4. Chapter 3.5, pp. 274-295, is an abbreviated and a concise version of no. 47)
(in chronological order; cross-referenced)
2. Yaron Ben-Naeh, Jews in the Realm of the Sultans: Ottoman Jewry in the Seventeenth Century, Magnes Press: Jerusalem 2006. (Hebrew, 419 pp. See nos. 1,3,4. For a revised version of chapter 4, see no.16; part of chapter 5 appears in no. 47)
3. Yaron Ben-Naeh, Jews in the Realm of the Sultans: Ottoman Jewry in the Seventeenth Century, Mohr-Siebeck Press: Tübingen 2008. (English translation of no. 2 [emanating from no.1]. 489 pp. See also 1,4)
4. Yaron Ben-Naeh, Sultanlar Diyarinda Yahudiler, Goa Press: Istanbul 2009.
(Turkish translation of nos. 2,3, with omissions [emanating from no.1]. 528 pp.)
5. Nuh Arslantaş & Yaron Ben-Naeh, Ibranice Anonim bir kronik, Türk Tarih Kurumu: Ankara 2013 (= An Anonymous Hebrew Chronicle on the Ottoman Sultans. Turkish, English, Hebrew. 162 p.).
6. Yaron Ben-Naeh, Sefer Korot Mishpaha: An Autobiography of a Sephardi of the Old Yishuv in Jerusalem: A Soldier, a Rabbinic Scholar and an Author during a Change of an Era, Yad Yizhak Ben-Zvi & Old Yishuv Court Museum: Jerusalem 2015. (Hebrew, 126 pp.)
7. Yaron Ben-Naeh, Wills of the Ottoman Jews: An Annotated Corpus of Wills of Jews from the Ottoman Empire, 1500-1900, The Zalman Shazar Center & Benzion Dinur Center: Jerusalem 2019 (Hebrew. 650 pages). (publication is due 2021)
8. Yaron Ben-Naeh, Dan Shapira, & Aviezer Tutian, Debar Sepatayim: An Ottoman Hebrew Chronicle from the Crimea (1683-1730) Written by the Krymchak Rabbi David Lekhno, Academic Press Printing: Boston, MA; 2021 (260 pp.)
* Please note the additional publications mentioned in the scientific biography.
(in chronological order; cross-referenced)
9. Menahem Ben-Sasson, W. Zeev Harvey, Yaron Ben-Naeh and Zvi Zohar (eds.), Studies in a Rabbinic Family: The De Botons, Misgav Yerushalayim, Jerusalem 1998. (English and Hebrew. 248 p.)
10. Yaron Ben-Naeh (author and ed.), Jewish Communities in the East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Turkey, Ben Zvi Institute and Israel's Ministry of Education, Jerusalem 2010. (325 pp). (Hebrew. See below, nos. 25-30)
11. Yaron Ben-Naeh, Jeremy Cohen, Moshe Idel, Yosef Kaplan (eds.), Studies in Jewish History Presented to Prof. Yosef Hacker, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem 2014. (Hebrew & English. 596+x pp.).
academic editor:
12. Jacob Barnai, Smyrna, the Microcosmos of Europe: The Jewish Community of Smyrna in the 17th and 18th Centuries, Carmel: Jerusalem 2014. (Hebrew)
13. Eyal Davidson, Old City Jerusalem Guide, Yad Yizhak Ben-Zvi: Jerusalem 2017. (Hebrew)
14. Yaron Ben-Naeh & Michal Held Delaroza (eds.), Jewish Communities in the East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: The Sephardim in Erets Israel, Ben Zvi Institute and Israel's Ministry of Education, Jerusalem 2019-2020. (350 pp. Hebrew)
15. Yaron Ben-Naeh, Ktzia Alon, David Guedj (eds.), Yosef Peretz by Avraham Navon: An annotated edition with a preface and three articles, respectively written by the editors, Gama Press, Tel Aviv 2018 (315 pp. Hebrew).
(in a chronological order; cross-referenced)
16. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'A Note on the Historical Context of R. Meir de Boton's Epistle and Poem', in: Studies in a Rabbinic Family: The De Botons (Menahem Ben-Sasson, W. Zeev Harvey, Yaron Ben-Naeh and Zvi Zohar eds.), Jerusalem 1998, pp. x-xi, and pp. 157-161.
17. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'The Early Ottoman Period', in: Israel: People, Land, State, (Avigdor Shinan ed.), Jerusalem 1998, pp. 225-249. (Hebrew. An english edition of the book appeared in 2005. See no. 17).
18. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Hebrew Printing Houses in the Ottoman Empire', in: Jewish Journalism and Printing Houses in the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey (Gad Nassi ed.), Istanbul 2000, pp. 35-82.
19. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Organization and Leadership of the Jewish Congregation in the Ottoman Empire, 17th-19th Centuries, in: Kehal Israel, Jewish Self-Government ... in Memory of Israel Halpern, vol. 2, (Avraham Grossman & Yosef Kaplan eds.), Jerusalem 2004, pp. 341-367. (Hebrew. Based on chapter 4 in no. 2)
20. Yaron Ben-Naeh, ‘The Ottoman Period: The First Centuries’, in: Israel: People, Land, State (Avigdor Shinan ed.), Jerusalem 2005, pp. 224-249. (English translation of no. 14)
21. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Dans l'Empire Ottoman, XVIe-XVIIIe siecles,' in: Le Monde sépharade, Histoire et civilisation (Shmuel Trigano ed.), I: Histoire, Paris 2006, pp. 369-413. (French).
22. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'A Deposition of a Haham Who Was Never One', in Minha leMenahem: Jubilee Book in Honor of Rabbi Menahem haCohen (Hanna 'Amit, Aviad haCohen & Hayim Beer eds.), Jerusalem 2008, pp. 203-214. (Hebrew).
23. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Religious Life of the Jews in Nineteenth Century Jerusalem', in: The History of Jerusalem: The Late Ottoman Period, (Israel Bartal & Haim Goren eds.), Yad Yizhak Ben-Zvi, Jerusalem 2010, pp. 315-328. (Hebrew)
24. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'The Yeshivot in Jerusalem and Spiritual Creativity', in: The History of Jerusalem: The Late Ottoman Period, (Israel Bartal & Haim Goren eds.), Yad Yizhak Ben-Zvi, Jerusalem 2010, pp. 328-348. (Hebrew)
25. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Turkey and the Jews of Turkey', in: Jewish Communities in the East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Turkey, (Id. ed.), Jerusalem 2010, pp. 9-26. (Hebrew. See no. 10. Total number of pages I wrote: 76)
26. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Education', in: Jewish Communities in the East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Turkey, (Id. ed.), Jerusalem 2010, pp. 73-92. (See no. 10)
27. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Dance', in: Jewish Communities in the East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Turkey, (Id. ed.), Jerusalem 2010, pp. 173-176. (See no. 10)
28. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Ties with Eretz Israel in the Nineteenth Century', in: Jewish Communities in the East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Turkey, (Id. ed.), Jerusalem 2010, pp. 193-206. (See no. 10)
29. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Daily Life and the Yearly Cycle', in: Jewish Communities in the East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Turkey, (Id. ed.), Jerusalem 2010, pp. 223-236. (See no. 10)
30. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'The Life Cycle and Family Life', in: Jewish Communities in the East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Turkey, (Id. ed.), Jerusalem 2010, pp. 237-248. (See no. 10)
31. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'The Benevolent Societies of the Jewish Kayikji Guild in Istanbul in the 18th and 19th Centuries', in: The Scepter Shall Not Depart From Judah: Leadership, Rabbinate and Community in Jewish History: Studies Presented to Prof. Simon Schwarzfuchs, (Joseph R. Hacker & Yaron Harel eds.), Bialik Institute, Jerusalem 2011, pp. 101-140. (Hebrew).
32. Yaron Ben-Naeh, ’The Zionist Struggle as Reflected in the Jewish Press in Istanbul in the Aftermath of the Young–Turk Revolution, 1908-1918’, in Late Ottoman Palestine: The Period of Young Turk Rule. Studies in Honor of Prof. Haim Gerber, (Yuval Ben-Bassat and Eyal Ginio eds.), London, I.B. Tauris Press, 2011, pp. 241-257. [=Turkish translation published by Koç University: 'Jön Türk Filistini', Küy Press: İstanbul 2016, pp. 203-216.]
Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Rabbi Joseph Karo and His Time', in: Rabbi Joseph Karo, (Y. Ben Naeh, H. Pely, M. Idel ed.), The Zalman Shazar Center: Jerusalem 2021, pp. 17-127 (Hebrew)
34. Yaron Ben-Naeh, ’Istanbul’s Jewish Community through the Eyes of a European Jew: Ludwig A. Frankl in his Nach Jerusalem’ in: Istanbul-Kushta-Constantinople: Diversity of Identities and Personal Narratives in the Ottoman Capital (1830-1900), in: Life Narratives of the Ottoman Realm: Individual and Empire in the Near East, Vol. 2, (Christoph Herzog & Richard Wittmann eds.) Abingdon: Routledge 2019, pp. 199-209.
35. Yaron Ben-Naeh, ‘The Establishment of the Orah ve-Simha Society & the Or Israel Yeshivah in Istanbul, c. 1820: A Chapter in the Intellectual History of Istanbuli Jewry’, in: Studies in Jewish History Presented to Prof. Yosef Hacker, (Yaron Ben-Naeh, Jeremy Cohen, Mosheh Idel, Yosef Kaplan eds.), The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem 2014, pp. 528-557. (Hebrew)
36. Yaron Ben-Naeh, ’The Life Cycle’, in: Jewish Communities in the East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century: Greece, (Eyal Ginio ed.), Ben Zvi Institute & Ministry of Education, Jerusalem 2014, pp. 277-290. (Hebrew)
37. Yaron Ben-Naeh, ’The Yearly Cycle’, in: Jewish Communities in the East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century: Greece, (Eyal Ginio ed.), Ben Zvi Institute & Ministry of Education, Jerusalem 2014, pp. 276-263. (Hebrew)
38. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Maghrebi Jews and Musta'aribs in Cairo, at the first half of the Seventeenth Century', in: Studies in Honor of Rabbi Dr. Moshe Amar (Moshe Bar Asher, Shimon Sharvit, Elimelekh Westreich eds.), Bialik Press, Jerusalem 2018, pp. 299-310. (Hebrew)
39. Yaron Ben-Naeh, ’The Wills of Ya'akov Zemah Nissim of Baghdad’, in: Festschrift in Memoriam Prof. Meir Benayahu (Moshe Bar Asher, Yehuda Libes, Yosef Kaplan, Moshe Assis eds.), Jerusalem 2019, pp. 693-709. (Hebrew)
40. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Urban Encounters: The Muslim-Jewish Case in the Ottoman Empire', in: Eyal Ginio and Elie Podeh eds., Researching Ottoman History: Studies in Honor of Prof. Amnon Cohen, Brill, Leiden 2013, pp. 177-197.
41. Yaron Ben-Naeh, '‘Thousands of Saints’: Evliya Çelebi on Ottoman Palestine', Quest: Issues in Contemporary Jewish History, 6 [=Serena Di Nepi, Arturo Marzano (eds. of this special issue, titled), Travels to the Holy Land: Perceptions, Representations and Narratives , Quest, 6, (2013), pp. 1-18.
42. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Jews on the Move during The Late Ottoman Period: Trends and some Problems', in: A Global Middle East: Mobility, Materiality and Culture in the Modern Age, 1880-1940, (Liat Kozma, Cyrus Schayegh and Avner Wishnitzer eds.), I.B. Tauris, London 2014, pp. 134-162.
43. Yaron Ben-Naeh, ‘Some Thoughts on the New History of Ottoman Jews: from Rozanes’ History of Israel in Turkey to the History of Ottoman Jewry’, in: Immanuel Etkes, David Asaf, Yosef Kaplan (eds.), Milestones: Studies in the History of the Jewish People, Presented to Zvi Yekutiel, Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem 2015, pp. 193-205 (Hebrew).
44. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Judaism and Jews on LGBT - A Historic Overview', Alon Harel et al.( eds.), LGBTQ Rights in Israel: Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation and the Law, Faculty of Law School, The Hebrew University & Nevo Publishing House, Jerusalem 2016, pp. 117-155 (Hebrew).
45. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'The Discourse on Modernity and the Symbolism of the Change of Clothing in Jewish Baghdad ', in: Ezra Mendelson & Eli Lederhendler eds., Picturing the Past: Essays in Honor of Richard I. Cohen, Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem 2017, pp. 83-120 (Hebrew. For an expanded version see no. 85).
46. Yaron Ben-Naeh, "The Legal and Social Standing of the Dhimmis', in: Tal Shuval ed., The Ottoman Empire: History and Selected Subjects, The Open University, Ra'anana 2016 (c. 40 pp. accepted. but eventually unpublished)
47. Yaron Ben-Naeh & Tamir Karkason, 'Memoires, Autobiographies and other Narratives of Jews on Nineteenth Century Istanbul', in: Recovering the Voices of Late Ottoman Istanbul’s Multiethnic Residents through Self-Narratives (1830-1930): Sources and Research Paradigms.(Life Narratives of the Ottoman Realm: Individual and Empire in the Near East, Vol. 3., (Christoph Herzog & Richard Wittmann eds.), Abingdon: Routledge, 2018. (31 pages, in press)
48. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Unknown Regulations from Salonica', Festschrift for Prof. Menahem Elon, Aryeh Edrei et al. eds., The Hebrew University, Jerusalem 2018, pp. 399-429. (Hebrew. For an English version, with some differences see no. 86)
49. Yaron Ben-Naeh & Noah Gerber, ’Libraries and Book Collections of Ottoman Jews and the Case of late Ottoman Jerusalem', in: Ottoman Book Collectors and Collections, (Tulay Artan and Hatice Aynur eds.), Istanbul 2018. (forthcoming).
50. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Black Mirror: Navon’s Jewish Istanbul', in: Yaron Ben-Naeh, Ktzia Alon, David Guedj (eds.), Yosef Peretz by Avraham Navon, Gama Press, Tel Aviv 2018, pp. 256-295 (Hebrew)
51. Yaron Ben-Naeh, Court Jews, in: Yaron Tsur Festschrift (Noah .S. Gerber, Aviad Moreno, .… (eds.), Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva 2021 ( press 2021, 25 pp.)
52. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Religious Life and Culture of the Sephardim', in: Yaron Ben-Naeh & Michal Held Delaroza (eds), Jewish Communities in the East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: The Sephardim in Erets Israel, Ben Zvi Institute and Israel's Ministry of Education, Jerusalem 2021. (Hebrew. 15 pp.)
53. Yaron Ben-Naeh, The Yearly Cycle, op. cit. (Hebrew. 15 pp.)
54. Yaron Ben-Naeh, Material Culture, op. cit. (Hebrew. 12 pp.)
(in chronological order; cross-referenced)
55. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Jewish Confraternities in the Ottoman Empire in the 17th and 18th centuries', Zion LXIII (1998), pp. 277-318. (Hebrew. A concise version later published in nos. 1 and 2)
56. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'City of Torah and Learning': Salonica as a Torah Center in the 16th-17th Centuries, Image and Reality', Pe'amim 80 (1999), pp. 60-82. (Hebrew)
57. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'The Istanbul Jewish Community and its' Ties with the Jews in Eretz-Israel in the 17th Century’, Cathedra 91 (1999), pp. 64-105. (Hebrew)
58. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Magical Beliefs and Practices among Ottoman Jews', Pe'amim 85 (2000), pp. 60-82. (Hebrew)
59. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Same-Sex Sexual Relations among Ottoman Jews', Zion 66 (2001), pp. 171-200. (Hebrew. For a revised Eng. version see no. 59)
60. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'A Response to Ruth Lamdan', Zion 66 (2001), pp. 533-535. (Hebrew)
61. Yaron Ben-Naeh, ''Are We Not Their Brothers?': Sephardim and Ashkenazim in Late 17th Century Jerusalem', Cathedra 103 (2002), pp. 33-52. (Hebrew)
62. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'A Deed for the Sale of a Winery, Salonica 1776', Pe'amim 92 (2002), pp. 175-179. (Hebrew)
63. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Poverty and Communal Coping with It in Ottoman Jewish Society', Sefunot 23 (2003), pp. 195-238. (Hebrew. See a slightly different version in English - no.57)
64. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Relations between the Jewish Communities of Jerusalem and Cairo in the Seventeenth Century', haMizrah heHadash 43 (2004), pp. 157-172 (Hebrew)
65. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Poverty and Poor Relief in Ottoman Jewish Society', Revue des études Juives 163,1-2 (2004), pp. 151-192. (trs. and revised version of no. 55)
66. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Burial of the Dead, Burial Societies and Funerary Inscriptions from the Jewish Cemetery of Cairo circa 1700', Pe'amim 98-99 (2004), pp. 187-224. (Hebrew)
67. Yaron Ben-Naeh, ‘Moshko the Jew and his Gay Friends: Same-sex Sexual Relations in Ottoman Jewish Society', Journal of Early Modern History, vol. 9, 1-2 (2005), pp. 79-105. (trs. and revised version of no. 51).
68. Yaron Ben-Naeh, ''El onor no se merka kon paras': Honor and its meaning among Ottoman Jews', Jewish Social Studies 11,2 (2005), pp. 19-50 (trs. and revised version of no. 61).
69. Yaron Ben-Naeh, ''El onor no se merka kon paras': Honor and its Meaning among Ottoman Jews', Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Folklore XXIII (2005), pp. 9-38. (Hebrew. Includes the original texts in Ladino and Hebrew. See also no. 60)
70. Yaron Ben-Naeh, ‘’Only One Cup of Coffee': Ordinances Concerning Luxuries and Recreation: A Chapter in the Cultural and Social History of the Jewish Community of Jerusalem in the Nineteenth Century’, Turcica 37 (2005), pp. 155-185 (A revised & shortened version of no. 68).
71. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Feminine Gender and its Restrictions in the Ethical Regulations of Ottoman Jewry', Pe'amim 105-106 (2006), pp. 127-149. (Hebrew)
72. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Blond,Tall, with Honey-Colored Eyes: Jewish Ownership of Slaves in the Ottoman Empire', Jewish History 20 (2006), pp. 73-90. (See no. 71)
73.Yaron Ben-Naeh, (edited, completed and added a supplement to the late Prof. Daniel Carpi's article) 'The Activity of the Jewish Community of Split on behalf of Eretz-Israel, 1799-1837', Pe'amim 108 (2006), pp. 127-147. (Hebrew).
74. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'The lives of Jewish Women in 19th Century Ottoman Jerusalem', El Prezente: Moshe David Gaon Center Studies of Sephardi Jewish Culture 1 [=mi-Kan, vol. 8], (Tamar Alexander and Yaakov Bentulila eds.), Beer-Sheva 2007, pp. 179-192. (Hebrew)
75. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'An Adultery Scandal in Istanbul: Jewish Daily Life in an Ottoman City as Mirrored in the Responsa Literature', East and Maghreb VIII (2008), pp. 37-55. (Hebrew)
76. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Communal Regulations Limiting Consumption and a Chapter in the Social and Cultural History of Sephardi Jews in 19th Century Jerusalem', Shalem VIII. (2008), pp. 386-427. (Hebrew. See also no. 62)
77. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Minor Weddings, Great Joys', Zmanim 102 (2008), pp. 38-44. (Hebrew)
78. William Klitz, Chaim Brautbar, Yaron Ben-Naeh et al., "Genetic Differentiation of Jewish Populations": Tissue Antigens 76,6 (2010), pp. 442-458. (online).
79. Yaron Ben-Naeh, ‘Slave Holding Among Ottoman Jews’, Hamizrah Hehadash 50 (2011), pp. 66-90. (Hebrew. A revised, fuller and updated version of no. 64)
80. Yaron Ben-Naeh, ‘Sixteenth Century Congregations and Communities of the Iberian Immigrants in the Ottoman Domains’, in: (Yomtov Assis & Rachel Sperber eds.), Hispania Judaica Bulletin 8 (2011), pp. 173-197. (Hebrew)
81. Yaron Ben-Naeh, ‘An Unknown New Letter by Sabbatei Tsevi Concerning The Great Shabbat – The Holiday of Lights’, Tarbiz 80 (2011), pp. 524-538. (Hebrew).
82. Yaron Ben-Naeh, ‘Chelebi Yaakov Elnekaveh’s Emigration from Istanbul to Jerusalem: A Journey in the Jerusalem Sijil Documents’, Cathedra 144 (2012), pp. 21-34. (Hebrew)
83. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Communal Regulations of Larissa, 1841', Pe'amim 130 (2012), pp. 175-181. (Hebrew)
84. Yaron Ben-Naeh & Giacomo Saban, 'Three German Travellers on Istanbul Jews', Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 12 (2013), pp. 1-17.
reappeared in: Glenda Abramson ed. Sites of Jewish Memory: Jews in and From Islamic Lands in Modern Times, London 2014.
85. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'A Glimpse into a Hidden World: The Dybbuk Stories of Rabbi Eliyahu haCohen of Izmir', in: (Rachel Elior et al eds.) Fleeting Dreams and Possessive Dybbuks: On Dreams and Possession in Jewish and other Cultures, (=A Scholion volume), Jerusalem 2013, pp. 305-323. (Hebrew).
86. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Maghrebi Jews in an Oriental View: Samuel Romanelli on Moroccan Jewry in the Turn of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries', Pe'amim 135 (2013), pp. 125-144. (Hebrew).
87. Yaron Ben-Naeh & Yochai Ben-Ghedalia, 'The Support of the Bursa Community by the Community in Vienna in the mid-nineteenth century, Pe'amim 139-140 (2014), pp. 309-326. (Hebrew).
88. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Dangerous Liaisons in Castoria', El Prezente: Studies in Sephardic Culture 7 [=Menorah 3: Common Culture and Particular Identities: Christians, Jews and Muslims in the Ottoman Balkans] (2014), pp. 27-41.
89. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Old Sentiments, New Times: Love as a Factor in Marital Connection among Ottoman Jews', in: Eliezer Papo, Haim Weiss, Yaakov Bentolila, Yuval Harari (eds.), Dameta leTamar: Studies in Honor of Tamar Alexander (=El Prezente, vol. 8-9; Mikan, vol. 15, I-III, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva 2015, pp. 61-83.
90. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Hebrew Sources on the Death of Sultan Osman: A Chapter in Jewish Historiography under Islam', JSAI = Jerusalem Studies in Arabic & Islam 42 (2015), pp. 283-363.
91. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Jewish Wills from Salonica: A Source for Social and Cultural History', in: Aladina Qintana, Rachel Sperber & Ram Ben-Shalom (eds.), Hispania-Judaica Bulletin in Memoriam of Yomtov Assis, vol. II, part 2 (2015), pp. 27-46.
92. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Violence in Ottoman-Jewish Society: Izmir as a Case Study', International Journal of Turkish Studies [IJTS] vol. 21 (1&2), (2015), pp. 1-16.
93. Yaron Ben-Naeh, '"We are Levantines, what do we got to do with the Merry French?": A Struggle over Identity in the Jewish Community in Baghdad', Zmanim:A Historical Quarterly 135 (2016), pp. 8-21. (Hebrew. For another version see no. 42)
94. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Unknown Regulations in Ladino from Ottoman Salonika (ca. 1740)', MEAH = Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos 65 (2016), pp. 137-149, 219-254. (English and Hebrew. A revised version of no. 45)
95. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'The Ottoman-Jewish Family: General Characteristics', Journal of Social Sciences (online, open access journal. 2017, pp. 25-45.
96. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Ottoman Jewish Society as reflected in Wills', Pe'amim 159-160 (2020), pp. 11-45. (Hebrew)
97. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Sephardim in Jerusalem during the British Mandate Period according to a Matchmaker's Book: Society and Material Culture', Cathedra 170 (2018), pp. 81-124 (Hebrew. An e-version includes a copy of the whole manuscript, c. 70 pages)
98. Yaron Ben-Naeh & Michal Held, 'The Coplas of Yomtov Magula as a Source for Jewish Life in Eighteenth Century Izmir', Sefunot 25 (2017), pp. 205-284. (Hebrew)
99. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Research on Ottoman Jewish History and Its Culture: The State of the Art', REEH = Revue Européenne des Etudes Hébraïques (2017), pp. 53-89. (a shorter and differnt version of no. 92)
100. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'The Historiography of Ottoman Jewry', JJS =Journal of Jewish Studies 69 (2018), pp. 109-133. (a revised and different version of no. 91).
101. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Ottoman Jewish Courtiers - An Oriental Type of the Court Jew', Jewish Culture and History 19,1 (2018), pp. 56-70.
102. Yaron Ben-Naeh & Noah Gerber, 'Rabbinic Libraries, Book Collections and Proto-Modern Libraries in Late Ottoman Jerusalem', Sefunot 26 (2019), pp. 314-404 (Hebrew)
103. Yaron Ben-Naeh & Gürer Karagedikli, 'Captives or Crooks? Pirates, Impostors, and Jewish Communities in the Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Empire', MHR 35,2 (2020), pp. 189-209.
104. Yaron Ben-Naeh & Elad Schlezinger, 'Late Sephardic Limmud: A Late Ottoman Hebrew Booklist and its Significance' (Hebrew. To be submitted to Tarbiz)
105. Yaron Ben-Naeh & Noah Gerber, 'Abraham Firkowitz as a keen Collector', (Hebrew. in preparation. To be submitted to Ginzei Kedem).
(in a chronological order)
1. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'On Women and the Study of Women, review article of: Ruth Lamdan, A Separate People: Jewish Women in Palestine, Syria and Egypt in the Sixteenth Century, Brill, Leiden-Boston-Kӧln, Brill 2000. in: Cathedra 102 (2002), pp. 191-197. (Hebrew)
2. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Books, Readers and Cultural Change: Ottoman Jewry in the 19th Century'. A Reviw Article of Matthias B. Lehmann's, Ladino Rabbinic Literature & Ottoman Sephardic Culture, Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianopolis 2005. (264 pages), Zion 72 (2007), pp. 485-490. (Hebrew).
3. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Education and Jewish Education in the Jewish Communities under Islam'. A Review Article of Shmuel Glick's, Mekorot le-toldot ha-Hinukh be-Israel: A sourcebook for the History of Jewish Education, vol. IV, The Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New York - Jerusalem 2006. (508+19 pp), Zion 73 (2008), pp. 227-230 (Hebrew).
4. Yaron Ben-Naeh, “On Sefer Tikkun Sofrim by R. Yitzhak Tzabah”. A Review Article of Ruth Lamdan’s Sefer Tikkun Sofrim of Rabbi Itzhak Tzabah, The Goldstein-Goren Diaspora Research Center, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 2009 (264 pp), in: Cathedra 139 (2011), pp. 156-160 (Hebrew).
5. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Everyday Life in Ottoman Palestine', A Review article of Yael Buchman's Pashas, Fellahin and Pirates, [n.p.] 2013, (416 pages), in: Cathedra 155 (2014), pp. 189-195. (Hebrew).
6. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'After Expulsion: Some Notes on the Sephardi Diaspora and related Myths'. A Review article on Jonathan Ray's 'After Expulsion: 1492 and the Making of Sephardic Jewry, New York University Press, New York 2013, in: MHR =Mediterranean Historical Review 30,1 (2015), pp. 62-70.
7. Yaron Ben-Naeh, A Review article on Martin Jacobs' 'Reorienting the East: Jewish Travelers to the Medieval Muslim World', University of Pennsylvania Press: Philadelphia 2015, 331 pp., in: Shofar 33,4 (2015), pp. 191-193.
8. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Tangier as a Study Case for the Discourse on Modernity in Islamic Lands', A Review article of Aviad Moreno's Europe from Morocco; The Minutes of the Leadership of Tangier's Jewish Community (the Junta), 1860-1864, P'eamim Supplement I, Jerusalem 2015 (122 p.), in: Zion 81 (2016), pp. 523-8. (Hebrew)
9. Yaron Ben-Naeh & Tamir Karkason, 'Jewish Salonica: Reality and Myth'. A Review article of Devin E. Naar, Jewish Salonica: Between the Ottoman Empire and Modern Greece, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2016 (366p.), in: EuropeNow (2018). (
10. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 47 entries in: Norman Stillman (chief editor), Encyclopaedia of the Jews under Islam, Brill, Leiden 2010. (printed edition + online edition):
Id., 'Alfandari, Family', op. cit.
Id., 'Algazi, Family', op. cit.
Id., 'Almosnino, Joseph', op. cit.
Id., 'Almosnino, Moses', op. cit.
Id., 'Alsheikh, Moses', op. cit.
Id., 'Ashkenazi Bezalel', op. cit.
Id., 'Ashkenazi Jews in the Ottoman Empire', op. cit.
Id., 'Ashkenazi Shemuel', op. cit.
Id., 'Ashkenazi, Yehudah', op. cit.
Id., 'Azulai, Hayyim Yosef David', op. cit.
Id., 'Bassan, Yehiel', op. cit.
Id., 'Bekemoharar, Family', op. cit.
Id., 'Benveniste, Family', op. cit.
Id., 'Button, Abraham Hiyya de-', op. cit.
Id., 'Caro, Isaac', op. cit.
Id., 'Caro, Joseph ', op. cit.
Id., 'Castro, Jacob', op. cit.
Id., 'Comtino Mordekhai', op. cit.
Id., 'Gabbai Family', op. cit.
Id., 'Farhi, Isaac', op. cit.
Id., 'HaCohen, Eliyahu ', op. cit.
Id., 'Hagiz, Moses', op. cit.
Id., 'Handali, Esther', op. cit.
Id., 'Haskama', op. cit.
Id., 'Hazzan, Family', op. cit.
Id., 'Homosexuality in Islamic Countries', .op. cit.
Id., 'Ibn Abi Zimra, David', op. cit.
Id., 'Ibn Yahya, Family', op. cit.
Id., 'Israel, Family', op. cit.
Id., 'Istanbul Jews', op. cit.
Id., 'Meyuhas, Family', op. cit.
Id., 'Mitrani, Joseph', op. cit.
Id., 'Mitrani, Moses', op. cit.
Id., 'Mizrahi, Eliyahu', op. cit.
Id., 'Moda'i, Hayyim', op. cit.
Id., 'Najjara, Israel', op. cit.
Id., 'Navon, Family', op. cit.
Id., 'Pallache, Hayyim', op. cit.
Id., 'Papo, Eliezer', op. cit.
Id., 'Qimhi, Family', op. cit.
Id., 'Rosanes, Family', op. cit.
Id., 'Sassoon, Family', op. cit.
Id., 'Shabbatai, Hayyim', op. cit.
Id., 'Silva, Hizkiyya de- ', op. cit.
Id., 'Sürgün', op. cit.
Id., 'Taitazak Joseph', op. cit.
Id., 'Names and Naming practices of the Jews in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey'
Id., Court Jews in the Ottoman Empire, op. cit. (1000 words. online)
11. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'The Jews of Palestine', in: Abdelwahab Meddeb and Benjamin Stora (eds.), A History of Jewish-Muslim Relations from the Origins to the Present Day, Paris, Albin Michel, 2013, pp. 203-210. (French & English editions)
Id., 'Myths and Realities of Jerusalem for the Jews', in: op. cit., pp. 218-219.
Id., 'The Nasi Family, or the Dream of Tiberias', in: op. cit., pp. 220-221.
Id., 'The First Jewish Printers of the Muslim World', in: op. cit., [add.]
12. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Court Jews in The Ottoman Empire'; 'The Jewish Settlement in Northern Palestine in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries'. Two entries in
Enzyklopädie jüdischer Geschichte und Kultur: 'Sultanjuden', Enzyklopädie jüdischer Geschichte und Kultur, vol. V, pp. 611-614; op. cit., vol. IV, pp. .........
13. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Jews and Jewish Settlement in Northern Palestine during the Ottoman Period', Enzyklopaedie juedischer Geschichte und Kultur, vol. IV…
14. Yaron Ben-Naeh, "Sabbateans and Sabbateanism in Istanbul". In: Hür Mahmut Yücer (ed.), "Religious Life" volume of History of Istanbul, TDV ISAM (Turkish Religious Foundation Center for Islamic Studies) / ISAM Publishing & Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Istanbul 2013.
15. Yaron Ben-Naeh,'An Ordinance of the Gemilut Hasadim Benevolent Society in Yichya Congregation, Salonica'. in Religious Zionism Festschrift in Honor of Dr. Zerach Warhaftig (Simha Raz ed.), Jerusalem 2001, pp. 149-156. (Hebrew)
16. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'After the Advent of Islam', in The Central Mountain Region, a study book for highschool, Jerusalem 2002, pp. 239-304. (Hebrew)
17. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'The Missions of Rabbi Avraham Shalom and Rabbi Yosef Mitrani for the Aid of Safed’, Religious Zionism Festschrift for 100 Years of the Mizrachi Movement (Simha Raz ed.), Jerusalem 2002, pp. 234-240. (Hebrew)
18. Yaron Ben-Naeh,'The Tombstone of the Magnificent Minister Yosef', 'Etmol XXII, 5 (July 2002), pp. 10-12. (Hebrew)
19. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Good Advice for a Happy Marriage', 'Etmol XXII, 6 (September 2002), pp. 7-9. (Hebrew. See translation to Ladino: no. *25)
20. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'A Jewish Gigolo in Early 20th Century Baghdad', 'Etmol XXIII, 1 (Nov. 2002), pp. 25-27. (Hebrew)
21. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'The Belief in Astrology among Salonican Jews in the 19th Century', Machanayim XIV (2002), pp. 135-144. (Hebrew)
22. Yaron Ben-Naeh, ‘A Greek Wedding: Wedding Invitations from 19th Century Salonica’, 'Etmol XXVIII, 3 (no.167, January 2003), pp. 26-27. (Hebrew)
23. Yaron Ben-Naeh, ‘Love of Zion on the Bosphoros’, 'Etmol XXIX, 6 (July 2004), pp.28-29. (Hebrew)
24. Yaron Ben-Naeh, '”The Nervous and Cruel People of the City": A Karaite Letter from Jerusalem during the Siege of Napoleon', 'Etmol XXX, 6 (July 2005), pp.26-27. (Hebrew)
25. Yaron Ben-Naeh (PI) and D. Angel, 'Syete Rekomendasyones para la Mujer Djudia', Aki Yerushalayim. 80 (Oct. 2006), pp. 32-37. (Ladino trs. of no. *19)
26. Yaron Ben-Naeh, “By the Sultans’ Palaces: Istanbul in the Sixteenth Century”, 'Etmol 213 (Sept. 2010), pp. 6-9.(Hebrew)
27. Yaron Ben-Naeh, “An Emissary from Hevron in a Midst of a Controversy in Bombay”, 'Etmol 215 (Feb. 2011), pp. 6-9. (Hebrew)
28. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Sources for the Genealogical Research of the Jews in the Ottoman Empire', Sharsheret haDorot: Bulletin of the Israeli Genealogical Society, 24,2 (2010), pp. 30-33.
29. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Dangerous Liaisons: The Castoria Version',
Haaretz, Tarbut ve-Safrut 4.12.2015, p. 2 (Hebrew. An abriged version of no. 80)
30. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'The Contribution of the Hebrew University's Institute of Jewish Studies' Teachers to the Historiography of the Jews in Islamic Countries', Etmol (special issue dedicated to the Institute) (2017), 5 pp. ((Hebrew. unpublished)
31. Yaron Ben-Naeh, 'Urban Sephardic Culture in the Ottoman Empire,' Tablet Magazine (18 September 2017). online: (
32. Yaron Ben-Naeh, Ktzia Alon, David Guedj, Balat …. On Navon’s Yosef Perets, Haaretz, Tarbut ve-Safrut 9.9.2018, p. 2.
33. Yaron Ben-Naeh, The Talmud Torah in Early 19th century Jerusalem, 'Etmol 266 (Jan. 2020), pp. 1-5. (Hebrew)
34. Yaron Ben-Naeh, Jews and Coffee, in: Yahel Shefer (curator), Coffee Culture in Palestine, The Islamic Art Museum, Jerusalem, Summer 2021 (Hebrew, 2 pp.)
35. Yaron Ben-Naeh, ‘”They Strangled the First, and Cut of the Other’s Head”’, Haaretz, Tarbut ve-Safrut 16.4.21, p. 4 (Hebrew)